
Core Liquidity Providers Vs Market Makers – What’s the Difference

Financial markets require high liquidity to function efficiently. Core Liquidity Providers and Market Makers ensure this liquidity. While both contribute to market stability, they operate differently and serve unique purposes.

Let’s learn key differences between core liquidity providers vs market makers.

What Are Core Liquidity Providers?

Core Liquidity Providers offer liquidity across diverse trading platforms. They ensure there are always enough buy and sell orders to reduce volatility and improve price stability. They have large pools of capital and can trade substantial volumes quickly.

Core Liquidity Providers maintain a steady flow of liquidity and enhance market efficiency. They provide quotes and execute large transactions. It narrows bid-ask spreads and ensures traders can execute orders at stable prices.

Advantages of Liquidity Providers  

Enhanced liquidity: Ensure a steady flow of buy and sell orders to increase market liquidity.

Reduced trading costs: Narrows bid-ask spreads and lower transaction costs.

Better price discovery: Facilitate efficient market pricing by consistently providing liquidity across multiple platforms.

What Are Market Makers?

Market Makers are financial intermediaries that provide buy-and-sell quotes for specific securities. They ensure there is always a market for those securities and enhance market liquidity and stability, especially in less liquid markets.

Market Makers facilitate trading by offering continuous buy and sell prices. They create a market for securities and profit from the difference between the bid and ask prices—the spread. They enhance market efficiency and reduce transaction costs.

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Advantages of Market Makers

Market stability: Maintain continuous buy and sell quotes to keep market stability.

Availability of buy and sell quotes: Ensure traders can consistently execute orders – even in less liquid markets.

Narrower bid-ask spreads: Reduce the difference between bid and ask prices and lower costs.

Differences Between Core Liquidity Providers Vs Market Makers

Though they have similar functions, they have these differences:

Nature of Operation

Core Liquidity Providers provide liquidity across multiple platforms, enhancing overall market stability and efficiency.

Market Makers focus on specific securities and offer continuous buy and sell quotes to ensure market functionality.

Business Model

Core Liquidity Providers have a broader focus and provide liquidity to multiple assets and trading venues.

Market Makers earn profits from the bid-ask spread in specific markets or securities.

Risk Management

Core Liquidity Providers use diversified risk management strategies – hedging and portfolio diversification – to mitigate market risks.

Market Makers manage risk mainly by hedging and controlling their inventory of securities. They adjust their positions based on market conditions.

Market Influence

Core Liquidity Providers improve market liquidity and stability by influencing multiple trading venues.

Market Makers maximise market liquidity and efficiency by significantly impacting specific markets or securities.


Core Liquidity Providers and Market Makers keep the markets running smoothly. Knowing what they do can help you make smarter choices.

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